Aloha College in the “100 Best Schools” Supplement

Aloha College is the only school (Spanish or International) to be included in this league table. It is a unique list, published by the EL MUNDO national newspaper, highly valued in the world of education since its inception many years ago to help families choose the best school for their children.In Spain approximately 30% of pupils attend private or semi-private schools – the ones studied – so there are many centres which could in theory gain a place in the table. However, certain requisites must be fulfilled: the school must be at least 10 years old, offer all the stages of education, and have more than 300 pupils. Firstly the school fills in a detailed questionnaire, then a representative visits to check the details first-hand. Finally, after a rigorous and objective analisis, the definitive list is drawn up.These lists have been published for over a decade and their continuity shows the ever-present interest of schools and parents in this investigation.

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